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Ho'oponopono Overview
In English wherever you are - in the spiritual context of our time


Morrnah's Ho'oponopono is simple and direct: You write down
your problems and the people involved in them on a list in a certain way.
Then recite Morrnah’s prayers by following the 14-step procedure.
The Ho'oponopono of Morrnah is not a religion, but psycho-spiritual
problem solving – meaning, it is initiated by your free choice
to do Ho’oponopono. Its origins are ancient, yet so modern and practical.

 It is spreading in a spiral outward, language by language, to gather
all peoples, for its application is universal. However, we remember that
Ho'oponopono originated within the Hawaiian people and their culture and it was
there that 'mutual' forgiveness was invented! It is the heart of Ho'oponopono.


        Pacifica Seminars    A success story

Pacifica Seminars is dedicated solely to spreading Morrnah's Ho'oponopono, which leads to problem solving and a raising of consciousness, combined with the realisation of your purpose. It’s been our work for 34 years, and the great satisfaction we receive from sharing it, to those hoping for change, is beyond measure.      more >

      Ho'oponopono-Book as Home Study Course

With this book you will hold nothing less than a treasure in your hands. You can learn and practice the authentic, original spiritual problem-solving method according to Morrnah Simeona in peace and quiet. Support is also available. Immediately available, learnable and applicable.          more >

       Ho'oponopono LIVE-courses
   When and where

Yvette Mauri and Michael Micklei were personally trained by Morrnah from 1986-1991. She showed us all where she saw her Ho’oponopono respected, with integrity, by spending her final year of life not on her beloved Hawaii but with them in Germany, continuing to develop and guide them.         more >

       What does Ho'oponopono mean?  The official Hawaiian explanation

Ho'oponopono has its origins in indigenous Hawaii, and was adapted to modern times by Morrnah Simeona, a Hawaiian kahuna. Hawaiian scholar Mary Kawena Pukui gave the authoritative definition in the Hawaiian dictionary as . . .     more >

       How did Ho'oponopono develop?

Psycho-spiritual problem-solving methods (mental healing affecting all parts of the self) have been known in the Polynesian region since ancient times. Ho'oponopono is the Hawaiian version. Besides the (secret) traditional method, held by elders or healers called kahunas, indigenous Hawaiian Morrnah Simeona developed her own modern version that anyone can perform alone.        more >

       Who was Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona?

Morrnah Simeona may be counted among the outstanding people of Hawaii, on a par with the prodigious prophetess Makaweliweli and beyond. Her advanced clairvoyance and connection with higher beings allowed her to renew the ancient Ho'oponopono practice.         more >

       Ho'oponopono experiences

Testimonies of small and large positive changes in circumstances after doing Morrnah’s Ho'oponopono are exciting, and common. It cleanses not only people, their relationships, finances and health, but also animals, plants, objects and spirit beings, molecules and atoms. All areas of creation are included, and all will be set free.       more >

       Ho'oponopono in the Hawaii State Hospital.
What happened 1984-1987 ?

It is absolutely true that in this Hawaiian Hospital, 23 criminally insane people received remarkable mental healing and freedom, through the use of Morrnah's method - but it comes as quite a SURPRISE to many that it WASN’T by using any mantra, but using Morrnah’s 14-step process, and carried out under her supervision.        more >

       12-step-Ho'oponopono or

In the 1980’s, Morrnah taught her process as 12 steps plus a written problem list (so, 13 steps). This list is indispensable, and some other small aspects were also cleared up in the early 90s. Pacifica Seminars, Germany only teaches Morrnah’s final 1991 version with 14 steps.            more >

       Ho'oponopono support 

Although our book is designed to be easily understood by beginners, you can seek help if you have questions. This also applies if you have attended our LIVE seminars, and have returned home. What is important to us is your clear understanding of Morrnah’s Ho’oponopono, leading to the solution of your problems. The wonderful part for you: Our support is still free of charge.          more >

       Misconceptions about Morrnah Simeona

What is Morrnah’s genuine work, and what is not? And how can you tell the difference?   more >

         Ho'oponopono misconceptions

There are a variety of esoteric, magical and new age processes that call themselves Ho'oponopono but are not genuine. Here, we will just identify them but not evaluate them. - Just to point out that they are not genuine Ho'oponopono.         more >



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website design, texts) Michael Micklei  -  updated May 22, 2021
Photo top left, USA, Statue of Liberty, (D. Ramey Logan, Wikimedia Commons, CC-BY 4.0)
Photo middle left:GB, Guards at Buckingham Palace, (Adrian Pingstone, public domain)
Photo middle right, Singapore, Marina Bay Sands (user:someformofhuman, wikipedia)
Photo top right: SA, Pretoria, (Zakysant, Wikimedia Commons, 3,0)